Saint Francis Hospital

Saint Francis Hospital


Justin Yee, MD

Medical Director, Dept. of EM, Saint Francis Hospital

Residency: John H Stroger Cook County Hospital EM

Medical School: Chicago Medical School

Undergraduate: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaigne

Hometown: Oak Park, IL

Hobbies: politics, finance, food tasting, whiskey tasting, traveling, video games


AlAn Senh, MD

Residency: John H Stroger Cook County Hospital EM

Medical School: Northwestern University

Undergraduate: Pepperdine University

Hometown: Las Vegas, NV

Hobbies: tennis, martial arts, music

Gregory Richardson, MD

Fellowship in Wilderness Medicine at UCSF Fresno

Residency: Resurrection EM

Medical School: Chicago Medical School

Undergraduate: Marquette University

Hometown: Elgin, IL

Hobbies: concerts, running, wilderness med!

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Dillon Barron, MD

Residency: University of Chicago

Medical School: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Undergraduate: Duke University

Hometown: Charlotte, NC

Hobbies: I enjoy reading, video gaming, hanging out with my dog Fuji, traveling, and exploring Chicago!

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Ashley mogul, MD

Residency: Stony Brook EM

Medical School: Wake Forest School of Medicine

Undergraduate: UNC Chapel Hill, Go Heels!

Hometown: Long Island, NY

Hobbies: Paddle boarding, treadmill boot camp with #yougettocrew, my Mini Aussie Ollie

Jeremy Lott, DO

Residency: St. John Macomb

Medical School: Midwestern University

Undergraduate: Lewis University

Hometown: Addison, IL

Hobbies: Cars

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Michael Slater, MD

Residency: Northwestern University EM

Medical School: Harvard Medical School

Undergraduate: Harvard College

Hometown: New Rochelle, NY

Hobbies: cooking, my local peer-led DIY Jewish community; non-profit work on Jewish community responses to illness, death, and dying; being a dad and partner to my family

Lauren Pierce, MD

Residency: Northwestern University

Medical School: Northwestern University

Undergraduate: Northwestern University

Hometown: Schaumburg, IL

Hobbies: trapeze, trampoline